Monday, January 29, 2018

"I have Jesus"

As Hudson Taylor visited the inland ministries of China, he heard The following testimony from a national pastor and his wife about the unreached town of Hwo-chow... The place had long been on Pastor Hsi’s heart, though he little anticipated the way in which his desire to commence work there was to be granted. Having no means in hand that he could use for the purpose, he prayed the more earnestly day by day at family worship that the gospel might be given to the Christless population of Hwo-chow. “We have prayed very often for that city,” his wife said at length, “is it not time to do something there?“ “Gladly would I,” responded her husband, “but money is lacking. I have nothing to use for the purpose, and renting houses is expensive.” “How much would it require? “What is her question. And on hearing this reply she went away and said no more about it. But she too could not forget Hwo-chow; and next morning it was an unadorned little figure that came up and laid her packages on the table after family worship. “I think,” she said, “that God has answered our prayers about that city.” Missing something in her appearance as well as surprised at her words. Pastor Hsi opened one of the packages, to find nothing less than all her jewelry – the gold and silver ornaments, bracelets, rings, and even her hair pins so indispensable to a Chinese lady and that form her marriage dower. “You cannot surely mean,” he began, “you cannot do without“ “yes, I can,” she said joyfully. “I can do without these: let Hwo-chow have the Gospel.” And with the money they had brought, the Refuge had been opened and a good work begun. “But do you not miss your beautiful things? “Said Mr. Taylor, turning to his hostess. “ miss them! “She replied, almost with surprise. “Why, I have Jesus: is not he enough?“

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