Monday, January 29, 2018

Every Kindred, Tongue, People and Nation...

I always love Sundays. I love the fellowship and corporate worship with brothers and sisters - no matter what kindred, tongue, or nation they may be from. Yesterday was an exceptional joy for several reasons. The most outstanding reason was a testimony given by one of our Bible College students - Desmond Nji Atanga. Desmond is actively involved in social programs here in Cameroon and abroad. He has been invited to participate in several overseas conferences (including conferences in Asia - Indonesia, Africa - Kenya, Europe - Finland, North America - New York, and South America - Columbia). Most recently Desmond visited New York and Columbia. Desmond shared how he always distributes Gospel tracts wherever he travels (including the Muslim nation of Indonesia) and is sensitive to the Great Commission's mandate to preach the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. While in New York city, Desmond met conference attendees from around the world. During free time one day, Desmond shared the Gospel with several friends and an Italian lady named Nicole trusted in Christ as her Savior! The church rejoiced and praised the Lord, but Desmond's account of his trip was not finished. From NY, Desmond told of his visit and conference in Columbia, South America. He stayed with two families while there. The first home was owned by Camilo and his wife Maria Ann. Camilo speaks English well, but Maria Ann does not. After supper one evening, Desmond shared the Gospel with Camilo, and even though he claimed to be protestant, he admitted that he had never heard this good news before. Camilo bowed his head and trusted in Christ that evening! Desmond told him that he now had the responsibility to share the Good News with his Catholic wife. Maria Ann listened intently to her excited, born again husband and concluded that she too needed to be saved. She stated that she felt that this important decision was something she needed to do in private and promised to believe in Christ later (pray for Maria Ann). The second family Desmond stayed with in Columbia was a staunch Roman Catholic family. Javier, his wife Romerice, his brother and sister-in-law got to know Desmond. One evening, Desmond shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with his hosts. Great conviction and lots of questions were their response. By the end of that evening, Desmond told our church, the entire family bowed their heads and began to pray directly to God through Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives! Every prayer they had ever offered before that moment was through the image of Mary. They all four professed Christ as their Savior that night! They were overwhelmed with the privilege of praying directly to God. Desmond recalled how they prayed, and prayed, and kept praying. Tears of joy and gratitude were flowing. At one point Romerice walked into the next room and brought out the family statue of Mary. She threw the idol down, causing it to shatter in pieces and went back to thanking God that she no longer had to pray through her image ever again! Praise the Lord! I want to encourage our ministry partners to realize that while we have been planting and watering in Cameroon, we have seen people added to the Kingdom of God who have gone out from Cameroon to plant and water and see God give the increase in people from Sweden, Italy, Columbia, Nigeria, and of course the U.S.A. It is humbling to think that the Gospel tracts and discipleship materials we have produced here in Cameroon have and are being used in several countries as well. To God be the glory! There is truly joy in serving Jesus, and the glorious, life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ has power to change lives no matter what country they are from or what language they may speak.

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