Thursday, August 16, 2018

I told you to go.

"Those who never heard...the message of salvation...will look to us [on the final judgment day] with forlorn reconciliation to their fate, and that look will say, 'You knew! But you never came and told us; we never had an opportunity to know.' But sadder still will be the eyes of our Lord. In one of those paradoxes of the Christian faith, even as He receives us with joy, His heart will be broken over the multitudes who never knew He died for them. I believe His eyes will meetours much as they did Peter's on that night of denial, and without a word will communicate, 'I told you to go. I promised you My power. I assured you of My grace, but you chose to stay at home, to hold on to your comfort and security and were unwilling to go that my kingdom could be extended to the ends of the earth.'" (To the Ends of the Earth by Jerry Rankin, pages 55-56)

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