Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Not Bravery but Sin

Like everyone, I have been hearing and thinking much about the “sex change” controversy. Since the original sin, men like Jenner have convinced themselves of two great errors. First, man thinks he can change himself into something better than God intended (Gen 3:5), and second, man deceives himself into thinking that, “my way is better and more enjoyable than God’s way” (James 1:22-24). These fallacies are both dead wrong, and by “dead wrong,” I mean – “dead” wrong. One survey reported that 45% of transgender people between the ages of 18-44 have attempted suicide (the national average is 1.6%). This is heartbreaking.
On the one hand, people claim that their personal vice is a disease – “caused by my environment and the way I was raised.” On the other hand, some claim that they are also not responsible for their proclivities because they were “born that way.” The truth is that our battles with pride and ungodly lust are neither diseases nor genetic disorders – God calls them sin (1 John 3:4). The intentional self-mutilation of one’s body because of one’s intense discontentment and rebellion against God and His design is not bravery; it is sin.
I will not disagree with any sinner who tells me he was “born that way.” God confirmed in his Word that we are all born sinners (Rom 5:12). Our preferential sins may be as diverse and as unique as our favorite ice creams, but the bottom line is – we are all sinners. The bad news is that we cannot make ourselves better, and our way is not better or more enjoyable than God’s Way (John 14:6)
However, this truth is only half the story!!! There is love (1 John 4:16). There is hope (Titus 2:13). There is victory (1 Cor 15:57). There is freedom (John 8:36). There is joy (John 15:11). There is escape (1 Cor 10:13). There is power over ANY and ALL sin, through Jesus Christ the Lord (Titus 2:11-15; Phil 4:13)!
The bad news is that you are a transgressor of God’s law (Rom 3:23), and you cannot improve, change or save yourself (Isa 64:6) – no matter what your pet sins are. The great news is that Someone does have the power to change you into a new person (2 Cor 5:17), and to give you true joy and fulfillment in life. His name is Jesus. He came and died for your sins – all of them. He loves you and will save you from your sin if you will humbly repent and put your faith in Him.
I know that Jenner and others claim to be happy. One man recently told me, after leaving his wife for another woman, “I have never been happier.” Two weeks later, his girl friend left him. The sex change proponents may promise “true happiness,” but God said, “There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked” (Isa 48:22). Make no mistake, rebellion against God, in all its forms, is wickedness.
Happiness is based on happenings, but true, eternal peace and joy are found only in Jesus Christ. Jenner may be happy for a season (Heb 11:25), but when he wakes up to the realization that surgery cannot bring lasting peace to his soul, he will find himself just as unsatisfied with his life as he did before his surgery. Something will still be missing from Jenner’s life until he finds his completeness in Jesus Christ.
“And ye are complete in [Christ]” (Col 2:10).

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