Monday, November 17, 2014

Only cared about one thing...

The Father of C. T. Studd was saved in a Moody Crusade in England. Mr. Studd was immediately convicted by his conscience about "horse racing," "shooting," "hunting," "playing cards," and going to "theaters" and "balls." Mr. Studd went to Mr. Moody and asked him if he should give these things up, now that he was a Christian. Moody answered, "Mr. Studd, you have children and people you love; you are now a saved man yourself, and you want to get them saved. God will give you some souls, and as soon as ever you have won a soul, you won't care about any of the other things." "Sure enough," Mr. Grubb wrote, "to the astonishment of his children and many others, he didn't care for any of the these things any longer; but only cared about one thing, and that was saving souls."

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