Thursday, October 24, 2013

God's Will for all Believers

In a world with more than a billion people who have never heard of Christ, and billions who have yet to hear a compassionate presentation of the Gospel…”it makes little sense for us to sit over here asking, ‘What do you want me to do, God?’ The answer is clear. The will of God is for you and me to give our lives urgently and recklessly to making the gospel and the glory of God known among all peoples…
The question, therefore, is not ‘Can we find God’s will?’ The question is ‘Will we obey God’s will?’ Will we refuse to sit back and wait for some tingly feeling to go down our spines before we rise up and do what we have already been commanded to do? 
Will we risk everything – our comfort, our possessions, our safety, our security, our very lives – to make the gospel known…?” (Radical, by David Platt, 160)

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