Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's not supposed to work without God.

“The bottom line truth is that life is not supposed to work without God at the center. Those who try to do so—even Christians—can maintain only an artificial façade of hope and satisfaction. The grim reality is that the emptiness of life without God at the center pushes itself to the consciousness once again when the music stops, the drugs wear off, the eroticism fails, the fashions grow old, the relationships disappoint, the accomplishments fade, and the thrills subside. They are left to themselves, and the emptiness for most people is too much. Instead of crying out to God for light, however, they dive back into their activities, mainlining the anesthesia of their endless pursuits to dull the pain of their empty souls. Such is the picture of man without God at the center—even believing man who isn’t seeing God in new and fresh illuminated truths through the Spirit of God.” ~ Jim Berg

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