You remember when William Haslam, that English clergyman,
was converted. He preached with such power that he won every member of his
perish to Christ. There was not a person living in the Baldhu section of
Cornwall who had not confessed the Lord. Then he became greatly concerned about
his neighbors, so he began preaching in adjoining parishes and winning souls
there. The other ministers became upset over it, and sent in their objections
to the Bishop, saying, "Mr. Haslam is interfering with our work. He is
poaching in our parishes, telling our people that they have to be converted and
need to be born again." The Bishop sent for William Haslam and said,
"I understand you are preaching all the time. You don't seem to be doing
anything else." William Haslam replied, "My lord bishop, I assure you
I preach only two seasons of the year." "Oh," said the Bishop,
"I am glad to know that. And what seasons are they?" "In season
and out of season," replied William Haslam. That is the charge that comes
to everyone of us if we really know Christ. It is not just for official
proclaiming of the Word, not just for pastors and elders, but for all
Christians. Let us be instant in season and out of season in winning precious
souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. ~H.A. Ironside in his commentary on 1 Timothy
through Philemon, page 160.