Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love not Denial

"Delay is not denial, but infinite love and wisdom planning an answer bigger than our biggest asking." ~ J.S.Baxter

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I have been burdened for Muslims and during our furlough I read through the Koran in order to understand their religion and mindset better. TODAY I HAD THE WONDERFUL PRIVILEGE OF LEADING MENOMENI TO CHRIST! I met him last week and gave him a Gospel tract. Today he came to my house and started asking questions about Christ, and why Jesus had to die. An hour later, with his head bowed over my open Bible, Menomeni was confessing his faith in Christ! Please pray for him. He is scared to death that his family might find out. He was afraid to take a Bible, but instead took a small John and Romans Scripture booklet. Please pray for this new brother in Christ. He has committed to going through a personal Bible study with me, but he is a bit afraid still to come to church.